Search results

  1. abk

    Does LiteSpeed Install domainVirtualHost.php

    The existence of domainVirtualHost.php file to set the cache root on virtual host level is necessary. The warning can be safely ignored and manual update (after looking through the other possible warnings) should be possible without any issue.
  2. abk

    Default Wordpress can't be accessed - Downloads file on page load instead

    If it downloads the PHP instead of loading it, check your PHP handler. Depending on the environment, you may need to set it at extapp:
  3. abk

    How can i prime the cache after clearing it?
  4. abk

    CloudLinux v8 Support

    Our WHM plugin should work on CloudLinux 8 too: I don't have a test environment at hand to confirm this, but in theory it should work. If there is any issue do not hesitate to open a new support ticket.
  5. abk

    DynReqPerSec in <Location>

    Thank you for the feedback @hansm I passed this feature request to our development team to take into consideration.
  6. abk

    Nodeworx install help?

    Please open a support ticket so we can take a look at this issue.
  7. abk

    [ACL] Access to context [/] is denied!

    Please submit a ticket: I will need more info related to your server environment.
  8. abk

    [ACL] Access to context [/] is denied!

    Did you check the permissions/ownership of files/dirs?
  9. abk

    [ACL] Access to context [/] is denied!

    Please check the permissions of the files/folders and if there is a deny from all rule in your .htaccess file. You can also open a support ticket if you want us to take a look at this issue.
  10. abk

    Images for Twitter Cards being blocked
  11. abk

    Installing Litespeed = stopping index in Google !!!

    If this issue is related to LSCWP:
  12. abk

    .htaccess not reading

    We need the URL to check this rule. If you don't want to share it publicly, please open a support ticket.