Search results

  1. serpent_driver

    Switched to LSWS, server not using free memory

    "Most" should mean more than 50% Who cares about the traffic if the traffic doesn't matter?! Anyway, use CF for static sources if you think that you get any advantages of using it. FYI: In your case, the loading of static sources is not faster with a CDN, as they are only loaded after the...
  2. serpent_driver

    Switched to LSWS, server not using free memory

    The basic idea of a CDN is: "Bring content closer to the user". This idea is based on that all of the content of your page is cached and stored at CDN node. For dynamically generated documents this idea makes no sense if the origin host uses a page cache as well, because the cache status of both...
  3. serpent_driver

    Switched to LSWS, server not using free memory

    Tip of the day! ;) Never use more than 1 page cache for dynamically generated documents, because 1 page cache + 1 page cache != 2 page cache != double speed btw. Where does the most vistors of your MediaWiki site come from? Your own country or other countries? Configure CF to use headers...
  4. serpent_driver

    Switched to LSWS, server not using free memory

    Please check this aiagn because the plugin code says otherwise. Only the cache of the respective article is purged. This purge function lacks the possibility of differentiation, so that, like other LScache plugins, you have the option to choose which cache from which pages should be purged for...
  5. serpent_driver

    Switched to LSWS, server not using free memory

    Unfortunately, the cache plugin for MediaWiki only offers very few options, although this plugin should be fundamentally revised. Especially since the cache function only has an on/off function. If you want to exclude logged in users from caching, use this rewrite rule. RewriteCond...
  6. serpent_driver

    Switched to LSWS, server not using free memory

    Has the issue dissolved itself? ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Join - Lightning fast Cache Warmup Crawler for...
  7. serpent_driver

    Switched to LSWS, server not using free memory

    Try this, but don't use root to identify which script is causing the load.
  8. serpent_driver

    This forum is longer supported by authorized LiteSpeed support partners.

    Due to the recent events on the LiteSpeed Blog, LiteCache has ended its support partnership with LiteSpeed. LiteSpeed must therefore provide its own resources to provide support for this forum. Given that LiteSpeed Support has not dutifully fulfilled support requests in this forum for several...
  9. serpent_driver

    How to block unwanted traffic (bad bots) easily but effectively and without WAF or CloudFlare.

    How to block unwanted traffic easily but effectively and without WAF or CloudFlare. I have been working on the topic of how to block unwanted traffic, i.e. bad bots etc., for several years when PHP is not available due to LScache. The same applies if a Wep Application Firewall or CloudFlare is...
  10. serpent_driver

    Black background on Index Off page since last update

    Make a suggestion for improvement as I don't think this "mistake" will be automatically corrected.
  11. serpent_driver

    Black background on Index Off page since last update

    @Hosterion Support Locate error documents (*.shtml) on your server and remove the css style in these files: <style>@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark){body{background-color:#000!important}}</style> Unfortunately, the LiteSpeed interpretation of the color scheme is incomplete and therefore only...
  12. serpent_driver

    LiteMage - public cache limit?

    LiteMage doesn't cache search results. Only LiteCache for Magento is able to do this. What is the result of 1,500 - 140? :rolleyes:
  13. serpent_driver

    "Lazy Load Images Excludes" not working
  14. serpent_driver

    Urgent Issue with Litespeed Cache Plugin
  15. serpent_driver

    LiteSpeed LScache <esi:inline> (Edge Side Includes). It works

    Or see the difference to ESI:include ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Join...
  16. serpent_driver

    Management of maintenance mode

    Just disable the cache plugin.
  17. serpent_driver

    LiteSpeed Extension Causing Errors on Google PageSpeed Test
  18. serpent_driver

    Issue with LiteSpeed cache plugin and login module

    This forum is rarely visited by the developer responsible for the LScache plugin for Joomla. You should therefore use LiteSpeed Slack, because on Slack you have direct contact with this developer.
  19. serpent_driver

    502 Errors

    If you use external services such as a CDN, the possibility of finding the cause of the LiteSpeed error is reduced. For logical reasons, I can only recommend that you temporarily deactivate CloudFlare and observe for a few days whether the error occurs even without CF. Otherwise it will be...
  20. serpent_driver

    502 Errors

    A 502 error indicates that you are using a proxy. Can you confirm it? ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Join - Lightning...