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  1. S

    Blank page on website or some pages, disabling litespeed cache takes care of it, how to fix?

    This has been happening for a while, originally it was the main page, but i would check it often to make sure it still worked, i was just notified this page is not working Whenever i had the issue if i deleted the cache the page would work but sometime later it would stop again, when i had the...
  2. S

    How can i prime the cache after clearing it?

    I volunteer for an animal rescue called Sanctuary Hostel and when we make some changes to the pages we clear the litespeed cache, at that point the next person to go to each page will have to wait a about 4 sec for each page since they arent cached anymore at least that has been my experience...
  3. S

    Configuring CF with Quic Cloud? Cant access cpanel

    Hi, no For now we just decided to stick with cloudflare and disabled Quic as i got busy with other things
  4. S

    Configuring CF with Quic Cloud? Cant access cpanel

    Hi, Replied to the other message
  5. S

    Configuring CF with Quic Cloud? Cant access cpanel

    I followed this guide I get this error when going to which is the cpanel link, I can get to cpanel after going through the host portal though This is the error: 400 Bad Request The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port cloudflare When using CF directly i didnt...
  6. S

