
  1. A

    Best configutation for maximum performance onle 1single domain

    Hi Our server runing Direct admin and I asked them to help me here Now will ask you , and please help me. newly we purchase litespeed ent for our server The hardware : Core i7 4790 240GB SSD + 1TB Sata 32 Gig Ram Cache 8MB I was installed the Memcached and Redis and I used the litespeed...
  2. W

    Not good speed with LiteMage Cache on Magento2 & also Server has LiteSpeed with LSCache+LiteMag

    Hi, I bought a server with LiteSpeed with LSCache+LiteMag for Magento 2.3 and also installed LiteMage Cache on my website, but I think just support for Homepage and not other pages and products. Please help me to improve my website speed. info: CPU: E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz Ram: 6Gb SSD: 100GB...
  3. sibipaul

    How to Optimize Litespeed Tuning and PHP Tuning for WordPress in Cyber Panel?

    Sir, Recently I Have Installed Cyber Panel to One of My Clients Website, as Per his Request. His Server is Cent OS 7 + AWS + Cyber Panel Litespeed + WordPress. I would like to Deliver him the best Optimized website. I can see a setting inside the Cyber Panel - Tuning There, Two Options...
  4. R

    Lite Speed Server Installed, Site have great velocity, but come back to old velocity after 30 minute

    Hi i'm new using Lite Speed Server. I installed it in a VPS at www.server4you.com (vps 4gb), and worked good, the website speed in a google test jumped of 72 to 86, good upgrade! But after 30 minutes, the velocity of the website, come back to the normal vps speed :/ The website is a Magazine...