
  1. N is inaccessible, please verify!

    Hello, I already found one post on this topic, but I can't find the answer to my issue in it.... The issue is that I have openlitespeed installed on my Google Cloud server and I am trying to connect my domain to GoDaddy, but when I try to do it I get the following message, which I put in the...
  2. C

    install LSWS on Plesk via script

    Hi, This guide describes how I install Litespeed on Plesk: Does anyone know a way how I install it from the command line, without a GUI? The background is that I want to install Litespeed automatically...
  3. R

    Duplicate module ini files cause PHP startup warnings

    On a fresh install of LSWS & LSPHP, the module directory has files with duplicate content, which causes PHP Warning: Module XYZ already loaded errors in the output. $ ls -1 /usr/local/lsws/lsphp72/etc/php/7.2/mods-available 10-opcache.ini 20-curl.ini 20-intl.ini 20-json.ini 20-mysqli.ini...
  4. A

    [Resolved] Install fails with bad ELF interpreter

    Hello, LSWS install fails with: ./ /data/download/lsws-5.2.2/bin/lshttpd: /libexec/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory OS: CentOS Linux 7.4.1708 Thank you in advance for your help!