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  1. N

    Drupal broken images

    i think it is cyberpanel debug. i can use openlitespeed with aapanel without any problem.
  2. N

    Drupal broken images

    Thank you for your advise. i use vps from contabo.
  3. N

    Drupal broken images

    Anybody help me? i tried drupal in another server with cyber panel and the result is tbe same. Any body here use drupal with lite speed without image preview problem? Please help me.
  4. N

    Drupal & Apache vhost & rewrites

    I have similar problem in cyber panel with litespeed. My problem is that drupal web site can not create image styles so i can not preview any image in the web site. The images look broken. I cahnged the file permision to 777, then 775 i tried almost every way but couldn't solve my problem.
  5. N

    Drupal broken images

    My problem is that drupal web site can not create image styles so i can not preview any image in the web site. The images look broken. I cahnged the file permision to 777, then 775 i tried almost every way but couldn't solve my problem. I think there is rewrite problem but i couldn' find...