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  1. C

    Rebuild cache seems to not work correctly

    Hello,i have only one language System -> Localisation - Languages ,it's Romanian,i deleted the seo engine,and nothing happens,i dont now what should i do! Thank you!
  2. C

    Rebuild cache seems to not work correctly

    Hello,ok i managed to fix all the errors but one remains,that one with 3 buttons of purge all cache from the post above,I think it can be solved in the stylesheet in the view folder, but I don't know exactly what to do! opencart journal 3.1.10 Apache Version2.4.52 PHP Version7.3.33...
  3. C

    Rebuild cache seems to not work correctly

    Hello,i manged to fix the the error,crawler works fine ,but still have some problem 1. in admin dashboard have 3 purge cash buttons, 2.the journal checkout not loading ,if i switch the the to default it works! 3.have some problems with cache,for example i want to delete an extension from...
  4. C

    Rebuild cache seems to not work correctly

    hello,I managed to fix the errors mentioned above,when the rebuilding of the cache is done,the script gives me this error.
  5. C

    Rebuild cache seems to not work correctly

    Good Morning,i made a restore before instalation of lite cahche module ,and reinstal the module and now i have muche more problems! 1.In the admin aria after logging in you can see the 4 button of purge cache at the top. 2.Now when i'm pressing the rebuild cache button it writes that i dont...
  6. C

    Rebuild cache seems to not work correctly

    Hello,and thank you for response,i forgot about this sitemap!,this is the main sitemap !
  7. C

    Rebuild cache seems to not work correctly

    Hello,i hope that somebody coul help me.When i try to rebuild the cache the script stuck on this step,i have on my site 4 k products. my sitemap route is Thank you!