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  1. G

    Issues with WebP Image Generation in Yootheme Pro Due to Litespeed Cache

    The hosting has confirmed that it is LiteSpeed Enterprise
  2. G

    Issues with WebP Image Generation in Yootheme Pro Due to Litespeed Cache

    I'm not sure but it should be LiteSpeed Enterprise with the license offered by the hosting provider
  3. G

    Issues with WebP Image Generation in Yootheme Pro Due to Litespeed Cache

    500 errors occur with the cache turned off and the image regeneration process is in progress on multiple pages because the server cannot handle the load. In any case, I'm glad you were able to see what I meant. The plugin you are talking about is part of Yootheme core, so I will open a request...
  4. G

    Issues with WebP Image Generation in Yootheme Pro Due to Litespeed Cache

    You're right, but what you say is true the first time that a page is load. Just reload the page again and see that the redirects disappear and the images have a stable url like this /templates/yootheme/cache/d7/castello-di-windsor-d73226f9.webp. Yootheme works in this way to generate webp images
  5. G

    Issues with WebP Image Generation in Yootheme Pro Due to Litespeed Cache

    Thank you very much. As i said, if I turn off the Litespeed plugin everything works fine. If you can still check, you can see now with the plugin turned off
  6. G

    Issues with WebP Image Generation in Yootheme Pro Due to Litespeed Cache

    I don't want to seem annoying, I think I probably have difficulty explaining myself well in English, which is not my language, so I ask you as a final courtesy to look now that I have deleted the entire cache of the site, including that of Yootheme, with the images webp to be completely...
  7. G

    Issues with WebP Image Generation in Yootheme Pro Due to Litespeed Cache

    This is the list of images that appear in the Network tab upon first loading and until I manually delete Litespeed cache Below is the list of images that appear in the Network tab after having manually deleted Litespeed cache. I should get this result without having to manually clear the...
  8. G

    Issues with WebP Image Generation in Yootheme Pro Due to Litespeed Cache

    Thank you for watching. I kindly ask you to make an extra effort and take a look at this short video to ensure that you have observed what I am referring to. Please pay special attention to the URLs that...
  9. G

    Issues with WebP Image Generation in Yootheme Pro Due to Litespeed Cache

    Hi Serpent_driver Thank you for your help. Despite following your suggestions, I'm still facing challenges with the image transformation from JPG to WebP format. To recap, I have implemented the exclusion rules in the LiteSpeed Cache settings as advised, using /component/ajax/?p=image and...
  10. G

    Issues with WebP Image Generation in Yootheme Pro Due to Litespeed Cache

    Hello LiteSpeed Support Team, I am encountering a challenging issue with the LiteSpeed Cache on my Joomla 4.3.4 website, running PHP 8.1.22. The problem revolves around the caching behavior during the process of transforming images from JPG to WebP format, which is managed by Yootheme Pro. The...
  11. G

    Purge Mobile cache

    As I expected, the setting in the Joomla cache configuration is ininfluent, and I still have the problem. A nuisance, because for example when I publish new articles, from mobile devices it is not possible to view them in the homepage because the cache is not cleared and the purge urls does not...
  12. G

    Purge Mobile cache

    Hi webmastergreg, thank you for your reply. Yes, htaccess was correct, and also I activated "Separate View for Mobile Device" setting. I also tried to activate this setting in the Joomla cache configuration, but it could be irrelevant. I've cleared the cache of some single pages, and it...
  13. G

    Purge Mobile cache

    I note that in recent posts the authors have answered themselves, the support of Litespeed Cache for Joomla is unfortunately non-existent, unlike that of Wordpress. I therefore turn to the Joomlers present to ask if they have experienced the same issue, or if they can tell me which settings...
  14. G

    Purge Mobile cache

    Hi, who should I write to for support? Is there anyone in this forum?
  15. G

    Purge Mobile cache

    Hi, in my Joomla website when I use "Purge Input Urls" the mobile cache of those urls does not clear, not even doing it repeatedly. The only way I have to clear the mobile cache of a single url (or multiple URLs) is to purge all the website cache, but that's not the case. The cache is cleared...
  16. G

    Litespeed and Ezoic

    So, do you mean that it should be enough to turn off the "LiteSpeed Cache for Joomla" plugin like I did? And maybe remove the LiteSpeed snippet from htaccess? Thank you
  17. G

    Litespeed and Ezoic

    I asked the question because the Ezoic documentation says, about the Wordpress plugin: There are no references to the Litespeed server, only to the Wordpress plugin suggesting to turn it off. I use Joomla with Litespeed: if I want to use Ezoic should I change the server type? Thank you
  18. G

    Litespeed and Ezoic

    Hello, I am a Joomla user of Litespeed Cache. I accepted the proposal to join the EZOIC advertising platform. Integration requires changing the nameservers. In the documentation I read that EZOIC is not compatible with the Litespeed caching plugin...
  19. G

    The Joomla plugin is not working as it should

    hi Andy, Thank you for your answer. Yes, I confirm that I have this option on Cache Cleaner from Regular Labs that I'm going to change. I would be really happy to be able to solve the problem so easily. I observe what happens by changing this setting and then I will update my post Regards